
There is a clear need for a general and robust transport protocol to enable data exchange and communication between scientific software packages that need to interact. To suport this and demonstrate its use, a library implementation of the protocol should be developed and offered to the general scientific computing community. The proof of concept application for the library should be demonstrated for atomistic simulation packages, but the protocol and library need to be general enough to satisfy the needs of other kind of scientific software as well.

There are a number of methods for communication between codes. However are either special purpose implementations or do not abstract this task for the developers of the communicating codes.

Main goals

  • Data exchange should be robust, guaranteeing reliable transmission.
  • One-to-one and eventually many-to-one and many-to-many communication scenarios should be supported.
  • Exchange of complex data (e.g. all the information needed to initialize and start a simulation) should be straightforward.
  • The protocol should allow communication through different communcation channels.
  • Cross language support for Fortran, C/C++ and Python family langauages with cross-platform numerical model support.

Communication layers

In order to ensure flexibility, the data exchange protocol needs (probably) three layers of implementation:

  1. Transport layer: deals with the technicalities of the communication. It should allow multiple transport channels, e.g. file I/O, socket communication, loadable code modules, etc. It should be extensible for future channels and guarantee communication reliability.
  2. Message layer: Provides a flexible message format, which can be transmitted through the low-level layer betwen the applications.
  3. High-level communication layer: Domain specific protocol composed of messages, as customised for the scientific codes’ using the library.

Transport layer

It would be good if many different transport channels can be supported and they are treated on the same footing. It would be desirable, if data could be exchanged via

  • File I/O (text and binary)
  • Socket communication
  • MPI-messaging
  • Binary API (enabling direct communication between C, Fortran, Python, etc. programs)

For the socket and MPI channels, we could probably directly use Steve Plimptons cslib library, which uses the quite robust ZeroMQ framework for the socket communication. It is already part of LAMMPS but could also be used as a stand-alone library without LAMMPS. Alternatively, one could write something similar.

Message layer

One should use messages that are flexible enough to carry complex information. For scientific applications the exchange of array data seems to be enough, provided several arrays can be sent as one message and different data types are supported within a message.

Example: Driver (a molecular-mechanics (MM)-program) sends data to a calculator (quantum-mechanical (QM)-program) to initialize it. This can be quite complex, as QM-programs usually require a lot of initialization parameters (Hamiltonian settings, basis set settings, various control settings, etc.). The message format needs to be flexible enough to allow for optional components, so that the driver has to specify only required settings and also optional ones which it wishes to override.

This could be easily realized by using a data tree as a message. A possible structure could be like a simplified XML DOM-tree with following specification:

  • Each node of the tree is named (like in XML).
  • Each node of the tree can either contain further nodes (a container node) or data (data nodes), but never both. Consequently, data nodes were the leaves of the tree and have only container nodes as parents.
  • Each data node contains a single array of a given type and shape or a scalar as data. The data is in native binary format.
  • Optional: the nodes should contain attributes to store additional information (e.g. the unit of the data in the node, etc.). To make things simple, the attributes should be text attributes, like in XML.

The sender would assemble a tree with the necessary information and transmit it via the transport layer. The receiver would then query the received tree, look for the presence / absence of given nodes and extract the necessary information from the tree.

I have already started a small C-library with this functionality, the saydx [səeɪdɪks] library. Although not finished yet, it could be used as the message layer. It would provide the basic infrastructure for tree manipulation, as well as routines to read and write trees to file or to pass them from C to Fortran and vice-versa. Combined with cslib, it could cover the functionality of the first two layers.

Array types

The message layer should understand / support following array data types:

  • real numbers (4, 8 and eventually 16 bytes)
  • complex numbers (composed of two real numbers)
  • integers (4 and 8 bytes)
  • logicals (represented by integers)
  • characters (1 byte)
  • strings (of arbitrary length)
  • bytes

When the data is represented in binary form, the native representation of the x86_64 architecture should be used. So, at least in its first version, the binary version of the protocol won’t be architecture independent. We could allow for passing the arrays also in text form if this ever becomes an issue. (The saydx library can already store the tree in text form.) Implementing architecture independence on the binary level (as in HDF5) would be probably an overkill.

Array indexing

The arrays should be stored in the row-major format. The data should never be reordered in the message layer. In order to ensure, that normal indexing techniques (row-major in C and Python, column-major in Fortran) allow a continuous traversal in memory, the indexing tuple (but not the data!) should be reversed when the array shape is queried in a column-major language.

Protocol layer

In contrast to the other two layers, the protocol layer must be domain specific, as different scientific applications need different data to be communicated.

As a proof of concept, communication between atomistic simulation packages could be implemented. One could start from the i-Pi protocol, as several packages are using it already, base it on the new message format and extend it with additional components.

As an example, the transmitted data for passing the geometry between driver and client could look like the structure sketched below. The XML-notation is used to indicate nodes and the @ symbols indicate (binary) scalars or arrays of a given type and shape in the leaves (e.g., @s is scalar string, @r8(2,3) is a rank two array of 64 bit reals with shape (2, 3), etc.):

      0.0   0.0   0.0
      0.0   0.0   1.0
      10.0  0.0  0.0
       0.0 10.0  0.0
       0.0  0.0 10.0

The receiver could then query the transmitted tree using following Fortran pseudo code:

call receive_tree(root_node)
if (root_node%get_name() /= "ipi-message") then
  call error("Invalid message protocol")
end if

call get_child_data(root_node, "command", commandstr)
if (.not. allocated(commandstr)) then
  call error("Could not find command node or it contains wrong data type")
end if

select case (commandstr)

case ("POSDATA")

  call get_child(root_node, "data", data_node)
  if (.not. data_node%is_associated()) then
    call error("Data node not found")
  end if

  call get_child_data(data_node, "atom_positions", atom_positions)
  if (.not. allocated(atom_positions)) then
    call error("Node 'atom_positions' not found or it contains wrong data type")
  end if
  if (all(shape(atom_positions) /= (3, natom)) then
    call error("Array in node 'atom_positions' has invalid shape")
  end if

  ! Only query tree for lattice vectors if the system is periodic
  if (periodic) then

    call get_child_data(data_node, "lattice_vectors", lattice_vectors)
    if (.not. allocated(lattice_vectors)) then
      call error("Node 'lattice_vectors' not found or has wrong data type)
    end if
    if (shape(lattice_vectors) /= (3, 3)) then
      call error("Array in node 'lattice_vectors' has invalid shape')
    end if

  end if


end select case

The lower lying layers warranty that the entire data tree (as sent by the sender) gets trasmitted before the receiver can start to read it. The receiver, therefore, can be sure that it has all the data the sender wanted communicating. It does not need to assume the shape / size of the transmitted data when receiving the message and hope for the best (as it is the case with the bare socket based i-Pi protocol). The arrays in the tree have type and shape information. The receiver can check whether they match its expectations and handle the error gracefully if not.

Debugging communication problems (e.g. sender and receiver implement the high-level protocol differently) should be also straightforward, as the saydx-library contains routines to write the trees from memory to disk.